So basically I'm trying to create a system that converts DEUT to HYGN without using CLNE or CONV or their variants. I'm tinkering with a method involving igniting the DEUT into NEUT, filtering half of those through GLAS to get PHOT then filtering those through BIZR to get ELEC, then mixing that with the other half of NEUT to get HYGN. But, getting the BIZR to stay still is problematic; every material I use to keep it in place also blocks either the photons in or the electrons out, and I haven't found a reliable way to keep the BIZR hot enough to stay solid (the system is supposed to be ambient-heat proof). If it leaks, it clogs some of the passages and stops converting the photons. Does anybody have any advice on that score?
Alternatively, maybe somebody knows a more reliable (non-cheaty) way to convert DEUT to HYGN?