Nova OS User Guide, ©SamDwich, 19/06/2021
This document is written on anti-copy paper. Do not attempt to copy manual for pirated Operating Systems.
Pirating is prohibited by law.
Basic Information regarding Nova OS:
Nova OS is an operating system, more specifically, the Operating System designed to be simple, or user-friendly, as some call it. Using simple icons and dark purple backgrounds to help guide the user, Nova OS' feature quantity rivals competing Operating Systems(if there are any). Due to demands from... um... Lunar Tardigrades, we also have Nova DOS, the older Disk Operating System, packaged with every release, and every Nova DOS-compatible A/Floppy Drive will contain a free copy of Cool Game REBOOTED. We also have Googleplex, a search engine that is, like, incredibly fast. And if that wasn't enough, you can also boot into Safe Mode right from the log-in screen!
Default Accounts:
Administrator is the administrator of the device. He has more privileges than the average user and can use the command prompt. The password cycles every week between more than 1000 different passwords, except for some reason your system's Administrator disabled that.
NILUSER is a placeholder user. It was made available by an unknown source, and confuses the operating system when logged into, causing it to freak out and partially break down, likely from loading a user the OS defines as nonexistent.
Safe Mode is not a user, but instead, it pretends to be one. 'Logging into' the Safe Mode 'user' actually runs a script changing the OS' state into Safe Mode and forces Safe Mode rulesets on every file. Safe mode uses the E: Drive to store files and is isolated from every other partition.
New Accounts(Write new account info here, from a 2nd-person perspective):
ILoveTPT9017 is your account. Created with Administrator permission. You don't know the other account's passwords, except NILUSER and Safe Mode, since they don't have passwords.
FREEGAMEZ is a virus-infested account. Nobody knows how it got onto the device, but since accounts that aren't logged in cannot perform actions, you should be fine, assuming you don't log in.
©SamDwich, 19/06/2021
Or if you want to skip setup:
You can also get it on your phone:
When would you port this to any of TPT machines?
'Yeetcap's is now open! Our wide variety of products will fulfill your every need! And, best of all, our legendary Heated Pockets are back!', you see the text on a truck driving by, and then you realise that must mean... YEETCAP'S ONLINE ORDERS ARE BACK! You suddenly feel a desire to eat the Heated Pockets once more, and, conveniently, you had the site favourited on Googleplex.
(Yeetcap's has been added to the Googleplex search engine)