WU-132 - Control instruction and info.

  • MadScientist14
    13th Jul 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    Hello, if you came here, then you probably need to find out how to manage this power plant.

    It's pretty easy, you just need to understand the terminology and acronyms.

    This reactor needs careful control, so I put a lot of different sensors and automation here. It is very easy to get distracted and not see a sharp jump in pressure or temperature, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Basically, you need to monitor the temperature and pressure - this is the most important thing, and the rest is for beauty :)


    Here's the transcript:




    WS:  Water supply

    NE:   Neutrons emitting

    FS:.  Fuel supply (DEUT)

    VN:.  Ventelation  

    CL:   Cooling

    ROD min

    ROD max

    Tnom:   Temperature at which the reactor operates in optimal mode (without sudden jumps)

    Tmax all:   The temperature at which the reactor begins to behave abnormally. The insulating material may catch fire.


    Pnom:   Pressure at which the reactor is operating optimally

    Pmax:   Pressure at which the automatic pressure control system operates

    SCRAM:   System for complete shutdown of a nuclear reactor and its further cooling down.

    APR:   Automatic pressure regulation. It works when the reactor pressure is higher than 16 units.

    KEY:   Activation of the entire system.



    Congratulations! you figured out the abbreviations that I used, The next step is the launch and further operation of the nuclear power plant


    I - Launch

    Activate system with KEY button, and wait for indication of KEY indicator.

    Turn "ON" Water supply

    Activate DEUT supply

    Activate neutrons emitting

    //You can launch reactor ONLY on DEUT. You can lower the rods as you like.//

    How to stop it?



    just activate SCRAM (no)

    Turn off neutrons emmiting

    Activate Cooling button

    When temperature of reactor is less 100°c you can turn off water supply.


    If the readings of the devices are not correct, or even contradict the reality, then most likely I missed something, or somewhere the insulation melted or ignited, by the way, the insulator inside the reactor can easily ignite, I don't know why, but this is a problem that needs to be dealt with ...



    Congratulations, you can now operate the WU-132 NPP :)


  • LBPHacker
    13th Jul 2021 Developer 1 Permalink

    (Use ~saveid.)
    Edited once by LBPHacker. Last: 13th Jul 2021
  • PandaWithHat123
    18th Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Is the Neutron Emitter timed?

    I was playing the reactor when I noticed that the Neutron Emitter turns off after a while.

  • MadScientist14
    18th Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    No, but i have problems with SCRAM (scram is suspect)




  • sealon_musk
    6th Mar 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    How do I make the reactor at the lowest temperature-or-pressure possible(by using the control panel)