Elements added: BASE - Neutralizes ACID and produces SLTW. Deadly/Poisonous for stickman; FRON - Freon, cold gas; FOIL - Freon, but liquid. Also "refrigerator oil"; MUR - Crazy element, a kind of crazy gas that explodes and melt anything. -- Gas from hell; HYDR - Hydrogen, very flammable gas, produces water when mixed with oxygen; ROCK - Rock/Solid stone. It is like brick, but stronger; ALCH - Alcohol. Burns slowly Reduces stickman life; PLST - Plastic. Deforms but not disappear; PSTR - Plaster. A fragile white-ish solid. turns into DUST under pressure; MUD - Self-explanatory. Turns into GRND when heated; GRND - Ground. Solid, turns into MUD when mixed with water, into PGRN under pressure; PGRN - Powder ground. Turns into MUD when mixed with water; HEHC - Higly efficient heat conductor. (NOT instantaneous!) Undestructable; CORE - Singularity core. Reacts with almost anything causing a huge explosion. Best reacts with photons; VIRU - A crazy virus; BALL - Bouncy ball. A bit uselles. Also it is a moveable solid; MBMB - Murtaugh's version for BOMB. Another moveable solid; SEDS - Seeds. Light dust, flammable. Grow when mixed with PGND an GRND; PROT - Protons. Turns into HYDR when mixed with ELEC; ELEC - Electrons. Transfers current to METL; SLPH - Sulphur/Sulfur. Mix with DSTW to create ACID; DYNA - Dynamite. Solid. Pressure explosive; TNT - Trinitrotoluene. Very explosive powder. Mix with WATR to create DYNA; ALUM - Aluminium. Solid. Conducts electricity. Breaks under high pressure; BRAL - Aluminium in powder form. Mix with BRMT to create THRM; CFRE - Carbon film resistor; LEAD - Lead. Neutron absorber, slow conductor; UNWR - Unmeltable wire; STEL - Steel. Conducts electricity. Melts at very high temperature; POWV - VOID in powder form; COPY - Copy powder.
GoL particles added: PAT1 - Pattern 1 B1234567/S0123456; PAT2 - Pattern 2 B1234567/S0; FLAM - Flashing Maze B24/S1234; RULH - Rule H B2/S34; LFRD - Live Free or Die B0/S2; LIWD - Life Without Death B3/S012345678; VOTE - Vote B5678/S45678; VT45 - Vote 4/5 B4678/S35678; SERV - Serviettes B234/S.
Features added: Fullscreen for F11 (Push F11 to go fullscreen; Push F11 again to exit fullscreen); Added signs for current type, current life (not GoL!) and generation ({type}, {life} and {GoL}); PNLT grows over PGND and GRND in vine mode; Fixed dates at the opening screen; Removed version.h, because it became useless; Added automatic blendpixel to fancy mode (automatic fancy effects) -- Added to official :);