So I've been trying make a VIBR reactor but without any clones or walls/diamond/... . To make one you need VIBR, a source of radiation/heat/... to charge it and some way to produce CLDF to defuse it. I can't make that last one. I tried to shoot protons at EXOT but VIBR heats it up. Also it's heat can somehow travel through 3 pixeles of INSL...
Or you might have elements like HEAC in the save. These are known to conduct heat upto 4 pixels away.
Producing CFLM with CRAY is the best option but since you are already avoiding particles like clone, I assume you don't want to use it.
You can try using snow with ctype set to cflm and then use it in the reaction to difuse the activated VIBR (As suggested above)
Lastly, it might help if you can send a save id for reference.
Have a nice day
Tursday :>
Thanks! This really helped a lot and I hope to finish it soon)