The Wall | Challenge Rules/Info

  • K01e
    27th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Hello! This post is an explanation this challenge's rules. Go check it out! 


    2791674View Save 2791674



    This save is meant to be a challenge. Your goal is to kill the STKM on the other side of the wall. Theoretically, it is possible, but I haven't been able to myself... Once (if) you manage to break through the wall, a green light will show up near the counter. This means you have succeeded. If you manage to successfully break the wall, send me a PM/comment the save id of the bomb which broke the wall. I will double check if it did, and then add you to the wall of fame with your time!



    1. DO NOT use LIGH, as it can penetrate any wall, including WALL, which should be impenetrable.
    2. DO NOT erase any part of the map, for obvious reasons.
    3. DO NOT use ARAY, CRAY, DRAY, or FRAY, as they can maniulate parts of the map which should not be able to be modified.
    4. DO NOT use a bomb which has already been used by another person. This is to avoid users copying bombs which have been proven to work.
    5. DO NOT use modded bombs, as mods can be designed to do anything.
    6. DO NOT overly use the power held within bagels.

    Please note, that during testing, I will only place the bomb on the map, at the location you request. I will not perform any modification of the map requested.



    And with that, good luck! :)

    Edited 10 times by K01e. Last: 27th Sep 2021
    27th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    you never said no erase tool (:<

    wait you did im an idiot

    Edited 2 times by IEATDIRT. Last: 27th Sep 2021
  • xCreeperBombx
    10th Oct 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I penetrated the wall with a bomb while following all of the rules using this:

    1. Typing "!set ctype bcln dest" into the console

    2. Placing BOMB on the top of the wall

    (No power of bagels used)