<ZebraineZ> you guys are homosexual <where> nou <Catelite> lol <Catelite> Somehow I think 100' tall people inspire more fear than lust in the ordinary person * where winrar * cracker64 has a giant fetish <Catelite> I think most people do though. * where tapes cracker64 to Catelite's ankle * Catelite eeps <cracker64> weeee * Catelite walks lopsidedly <where> Wait, how tall are you? <where> o.o * cracker64 throws up on Catelite's shoe <where> :| <Catelite> ... <Catelite> ._. * where hoses off cracker64 <ZebraineZ> lolllllll <Catelite> @_@ <Catelite> coldcoldcoldcold