Hi! I'm currently working on my 3rd generation of Daedalus ships and was wondering if anyone would like to help out by throwing me a few ideas, heck, submit a design in the comments if you want!
Here's the MKII Daedalus
UPDATE 2: Reactor and Engin is mostly done, along with most of the ship's systems
-PLNT-Based Life support system
-Cooling system (idk what is best solid/liquid for a heat conductor/coolant that's not HEAC, suggest something)
-Vibranium-based Warp Drive
-External cargo hold and hangers
-Crew interior
hmm, i was kinda going for an early-interstellar age style, but yeah, thanks for the info
yeah, fair, the OG concept of the dadelus was a simple ship without using any walls from my early days of TPT, and the MKII was after a long break, but the MKIII will definitely be better, idk about destructible, but definitely better
deut engines and reactors can be made destructible, here's a ship that has a deut engine and reactor that also manages to be destructible, you're free to use any part of it if you need help
thanks, it's a cool ship
the Daedalus MKIII is near compleation