I've been making a script for TPT that adds some new elements into the game.
Added elements, by section
Powered Materials (1)
CSOR - Ctype Sorter. Only allows particles in with the same ctype as the sorter, and releases a particle with PSCN.
Sensors (1)
CSNS - Ctype sensor. Has some advanced functionality, controlled by tmp. Tmp2 controls range.
Explosives (4)
MONO - Hydrogen peroxide, has many uses such as a monopropellant, bleach, and disinfectant (destroys VIRS)
SMTH - Solid Methane, extremely cold and powerful.
LMTH - Liquid Methane, the most powerful chemical explosive in the game.
METH - Gaseous Methane, less powerful than liquid methane.
Gases (5)
DEUG - Deuterium Gas, created by electrolysis of DEUT with IRON. Burns with OXYG to make DEUT.
TRIT - Tritium Gas, radioactive. Can fuse with DEUG at over 1800C and 40 pressure. Burns with OXYG to make TRIW.
TRWV - The vapor of TRIW.
NIGN - Nitrogen gas.
VAPR - Gaseous graphite.
Liquids (7)
TRIW - Super-heavy water, radioactive. Corrodes IRON more quickly than WATR.
LN2 (original renamed to CLNT) - Liquid nitrogen. Evaporates into nitrogen gas.
LH2 - Liquid hydrogen. Burns with LOXY or OXYG to form WTRV (the same as HYGN).
FUD - Sweet food, eaten by BACT and MEAT.
BACT - Bacteria. Form complex colonies and evolve.
WSTE - Chemical waste. Can be distilled into clean water.
ANTI - Antibiotic. Kills bacteria, but beware of antibiotic resistance.
Powders (2)
DIRT - Dirt. Good for landscapes.
2EAQ - 2-Ethylanthraquinone. Used in the production of MONO (expose it to HYGN and PTNM at the same time, then OXYG to get MONO)
Solids (5)
NICE (original renamed to FRCT) - Frozen nitrogen. Melts into LN2.
GRPH - Graphite, slows down neutrons, burns slowly, temperature and pressure resistant.
GRSS - Grass, grows on dirt.
MEAT - Meat. Can be eaten by stickmen, and is living.
PHOE - Reacts with MONO, producing light.
Radioactive (1)
HLID - When placed, becomes high life DEUT.
Special (1)
TEGN - Generates fractal trees. Tmp2 controls the size and tmp controls orientation. Ctype controls shape (in a complicated way, so here's a spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18zNfYX6plWiXKL8rZpsN8izV_JcqhKGDh8pWvaiVEG0/edit?usp=sharing)
Game of Life (1)
R110 - Rule 110, implemented in TPT.
Total: 28 new elements
Changes to existing elements
Click this link to get the Lua script: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1jlZ9v0v8lh9hAhACRp5uX6sbQxMmdqwN
Get it from the script manager: https://starcatcher.us/scripts?view=213
This is still in development, so please leave suggestions.
Upload to the mod browser https://starcatcher.us/scripts/paste.lua
@leandroczbr I added it and now I'm waiting for approval.
Also, you can suggest here what I should add or change.
Working on MEAT... can be eaten by stickmen and is living (but can die).
Okay, it's been updated