Holiday Updates:
Update: Happy Easter message, Easter egg (Seriously it's an egg.), Working fan, this update log, added some creepy stuff to the scary room, retexture of the kitchen, added empty room that will be used as a man cave I guess. The room which will be the garage added a picture of the living room to the TV, Sewer was moved. MASSIVE DECO improved. Update: Halloween, added zombies, changed other stuff.. also PUMPKIN.
General Updates:
Update: The posting of the house, that's it.
Update: Added plant to the bedroom as well as bed design improvements.
Update: Better DECO and added crap in the attic.
Update: Added a new room (to the testing one), the gaming room/man cave.
Update: They are fixing the house now.
Update(CANCELED!): Attempted sprinklers.
Update(CANCELLED!): Air Conditioning, sorry to the person who suggested it, it cannot happen.
Major Updates:
Update: Massive house expansion, Added the uh, scary room? Added bedroom, Added area where the kitchen would be, better stairs.
Update: Beta Kitchen. (Sink, fridge, and stove as well as a sewer.)
Update: Added testing save to see early access (No changes to house really).
Update: They are fixing the house after the apocalypse.
Special Updates:
Never Forget. On 9/11, it was a nice day, nobody suspected anything. While people were heading to work, four planes were hijacked. One headed for the North tower, one headed to the South tower, another headed for the Pentagon, and the fourth one was possibly headed for the Capitol or the White House. The first plane crashed into the tower around 8:40AM, the south at 9:00 AM, and the Pentagon at around 9:37 AM. And the Fourth crashed into a field at 10:03. Both towers collapsed, and the crash into the Pentagon killed around 184 people. In total, 2,996 deaths, and 25,000 injuries. One thing is for Certain. We will not forget 9/11. Rest in Peace.
Thanks for reading.
What's the download link
The Download Link Is A Save Link Which Is id:2779323