This is my first time making a mod, i hope you enjoy it :).
Source code:https://github.com/modtpt/test/blob/main/The-Powder-Toy-master.zip
Adds 2 new elements!
PWOD - Petrified wood, cant burn.
LTNT - Liquid TNT. (problaby has bugs)
Direct Download: I dont know how to compile so ¯\_(?)_/¯
If you think its virus look here.
I used Notepad++ to make it. Click here to get it
If you can compile it into an .exe that would be highly appreciated!!!
Put your suggestions in the comments! (please dont make them too hard)
Thats all!
Make an element called "OWO" and it just is whatever element that is most common (like 2 WOOD and 1 STNE then OWO would turn into WOOD).
I'm bad at almost anything to do with code, files and other thing like that.
No sorry.