Flux-Tek Modular Reactor Design Guide
Save Link:https://powdertoy.co.uk/Browse/View.html?ID=2894163
This thread will cover the purpose of each module in the save, how to make safe-ish modular reactors to use in your own save, and the reactors in the examples save.
The save uses the grid feature in Powder Toy, press G once to reach Small Grid (S.G.) three times for Large Grid (L.G.) There is a grid size guide in the save. Make sure to allign the modules in the grid, the parts in each grid size is incompatible except for the data lines, as they are used in both large and small grid. The parts in the save is free and you only need to give credit.
The modules in the save is destructible, and such proper design and cooling must be observed during design.
I will describe the modules in each of the sub-catagory in the save.
The reactor modules in the save are self-contained and has everything needed to run, there is one heat output in each (Indicated in red) and red and cyan data inputs. The red data input heats up the reactor, while the cyan data input stops or slows temperature rise. The reactor temp. only decreases if connected to a boiler and/or Passive Heat Exhanger. Some reactors have green and red data input to make the reactor function. Each Reactor has a ideal and meltdown temp. Ideal temp. is the temperature range that you should program the TSNS and meltdown temp is the temperature where the TTAN or whatever material its made of will melt. (VERY IMPORTANT: the material that the boiler is made of is TTAN so you should not exceed one thousand fife hundred degrees or risk the boiler melting and causing a fire because INSL is the main material in all the modules.)
Note: New Reactor modules will be added if Flux-Tek creates a power plant of it first, I.E, F-T makes a Plasma reactor, a Plasma reactor module will be included (if I don't become lazy and end support).
URAN Reactor:
Available in S.G. and L.G. Small grid and Large Grid work in the same principle. The red data input activates the high pressure pumps, increasing temp. while the cyan data input deactivates the same pumps. Pressure reduction is achieved by neutral pumps in the reactor. Pump Temperature can be adjusted to increase heat production while increasing meltdown risk.
S.G. URAN Reactor Ideal Temp ~one hundred fifty degrees-~one thousand degrees meltdown temp ~one thousand six hundred degrees
L.G. URAN Reactor Ideal Temp ~two hundred degrees-~nine hundred degrees meltdown temp ~one thousand six hundred degrees
DEUT Reactor:
Available in S.G and L.G. Both reactors have a green and red data input, they activate/deactivate the NEUT pipe in the reactor.
In the small grid DEUT Reactor, the red data input activates the DEUT Pipe, and the cyan data input deactivates the DEUT pipe. This module has small temperature spikes and relatively save. Sadly this module can't be overclocked.
In the large grid DEUT Reactor, the control cirquit runs on a loop, the red data input activates a SWCH to let the DEUT pipe turn on, the cyan data input deactivates said SWCH. You can change the delay of the loop by changing the temp value on the DLAYs. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This module creates tons of heat in a short period of time, thus the ideal temp is lower than normal, while it is made of QRTZ and CRMC, if the QRTZ melts, the INSL might burn because of the neutrons.
S.G. DEUT Reactor Ideal Temp ~three hundred degrees - ~one thousand degrees Meltdown Temp ~one thousand six hundred degrees
L.G. DEUT Reactor Ideal Temp ~three hundred degrees - ~one thousand five hundred degrees Meltdown Temp ~ two thousand degrees
Heat Pipes:
The Heat pipes allow heat transfer from the reactor to a boiler and/or passive heat exhanger.
Note: The Heat Pipe Junctions and cross pipe DONT have one way heat transfer.
Has one heat pipe input, and one WTRV Output, the WTRV is piped to a cooling tower to vent and to make power.
Power Lines:
Used to connect the power output of the cooling towers to a battery or whatever you need, while you can technically use data lines for S.G. Power transfer but technically worse (not really, just pure asthetic).
Note: Small Grid Junctions and crosses have NO BUILT IN DIODES, so will NOT output in one direction thus you need to use the diode module., but Large Grid versions do have this diode.
Passive Heat Exchangers:
Available in S.G. and L.G. These are used to control the reactor temp, useful if you don't want to use the ARMS Module for safety, but it doesn't make power.
Stores power, available in both grid sizes, has one input and one output.
Vapour Pipes:
Allow to pipe up the boiler to the cooling tower, has multiple variants, the white arrow shows the output.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Sometimes the pipes don't work and WTRV jams up, so just delete the pipe that blocks it.)
Allows simple temperature control for the reactor, has a built in heat pipe, available in both grid sizes. The outputs are in the same color that the reactor has for temp. control, so just connect red to red and cyan to cyan using data lines.
Allows manual control of reactors, the L.G. one is easier to press.
Allows SPRK in one direction.
External Switch:
A basic Switch, red to turn off, green to turn on.
Cooling Towers:
Available in both grid sizes, has one WTRV Input, and one power output, there isn't a vaccum or void on top, just add it in afterwards.
Data Lines:
Allows the transfer of data between ARMS/Button to the Reactor, available in single and dual channel.
Single Channel:
Has one wire in each block, easier to use also has INST blocks, beware which one has PSCN or NSCN.
Dual Channel:
Has two wires in each block, much harder to use compared to single channel, also has INST blocks.
Note: It is fine if the wires are not spot on in the ARMS and if the light or dark colored part is switch/wrong is perfectly fine since both channels use METL or INST.
Allows wireless communication, just set its individual channel.
Reactor Examples:
Basic URAN Reactor:
Pretty basic, spaced out so you can see the parts in it.
More compact one:
The same reactor but more compact and uses dual channel data lines.
Basic Deut Reactor:
A small grid Deut Reactor.