How to make FILT ALU?

  • Hekt0r
    21st Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    NOTICE: I figured it out now. 



    Okay so im kind of stuck in tech again, just recently i got good at making rom and ram but now im stuck with making filt-based alu. I have made an alu before with normal realistic blueprints using logic gates out of PSCN NSCN, INST, METL but the furthest i can get with a filt alu is a half adder. I looked at some computers and they all used really hard to understand small ALU's. I had never made such a small alu i need help. (Reason i need to learn FILT alu specially is because i want to make a M1 replica)

    Edited once by Hekt0r. Last: 22nd Aug 2022
  • Waterbottle123
    10th Sep 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @Hekt0r (View Post)

     Look at SUSaNOOs save called help line and read comments and open save because that's where I learnt