I did a thing but don't know how ir why?

  • Grizzly378
    20th Jan 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    Was playing with gravity and some how a combination of protons, neutrons, and gravitron... made uranium and plutonium.... what the heck did that??? 

    20th Jan 2023 Member 0 Permalink
    @Grizzly378 (View Post)
    When protons collide with themselves at high speeds, they create URAN, PLUT, POLO, and some other elements, if you want a description that makes more sense read https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Element:PROT.html
    Edited once by IEATDIRT. Last: 20th Jan 2023
  • MachineMan
    20th Jan 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    When protons collide at high enough speeds they turn into SING.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 29th Jun 2023