How do I make stars?

  • _Uros
    23rd Feb 2023 Member 1 Permalink

    I have been trying many different ways to make a star but it never works. How do I make a star?

  • Peteb153
    26th Feb 2023 Member 1 Permalink

    from my informaion, its something to do with hydrogen.

  • MachineMan
    27th Feb 2023 Member 3 Permalink

    Draw GPMP with some PUMP (make sure newtonian gravity is turned on) and draw a bunch of HYGN around them, then set the temperature of the HYGN to a high number and ingnite it with FIRE or PLSM.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 27th Feb 2023
  • _Uros
    8th Mar 2023 Member 1 Permalink

    @MachineMan (View Post)

    I know this is a late reply but thank you very much

  • Waterbottle123
    9th Mar 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    High pressure hydrogen in whole surrounded by going or pump with newton gravity and then set it on fire

  • z4dg9ssw135
    12th Mar 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    no need for doing this useless overcomplicated stuff such as heating up hygn , raising up the pressure and igniting it , igniting does nothing useful here as it just burns it and just raising the pressure up would do it . instead i suggest using ehole and snow(sing) as shown in this save i did in few minutes
