Yes! There are lots of different explosives in this game. Here are a few powerful ones:
- Put PLUT in a sealed container, then add pressure with the AIR tool to make a nuke
- Place some VIBR then charge it with lots of heat, pressure, or energy particles. It'll eventually start flashing and explode after several seconds
- You can make SING explode by using the PROP tool or console to set its "life" value to 0, and "tmp" value to a huge number like 10000
- Take EXOT and expose it to tons of ELEC and it'll make an awesome rainbow explosion
theres BOMB, thdr makes pressure, dest, exot for converting vibr into exot so bomb can destroy it, dray which clones accordingly to tmp and tmp2( tmp is particles in front of it amount, tmp2 is the spacing) cray which same thing except instead of cloning it puts its ctype with space beetwen it and ctype as tmp2, etc