• QnpfvTPz
    16th Nov 2023 Member 2 Permalink








    ITAC stands for 'Is This A Computer?'





    Instruction Guide:


    0:4     opcode

    5        use rs2 as an immediate value

    6:10   register destination

    11:15 register source 1

    16:29 register source 2

    (MSB is 29, LSB is 0)



    0x10: Freezes program counter

    0x01: Self-Destruction

    0x2: not use

    0x03: BIC;    rd = rs1 & !(rs2)

    0x04: OR  ;    rd = rs1 | rs2
    0x05: AND;    rd = rs1 & rs2
    0x06: XOR;    rd = rs1 ^ rs2
    0x07: SRA;    rd = rs1 >> rs2
    0x08: SLL;    rd = rs1 << rs2
    0x09: SRL;    rd = rs1 >> rs2
    0x0A: ADD;    rd = rs1 + rs2
    0x0B: SUB;    rd = rs1 - rs2
    0x1C: BEQ;    (rs1 == rd) : PC = rs2
    0x0C: BNE;    (rs1 != rd) : PC = rs2
    0x0D: BLT;    (rs1 < rd) : PC = rs2
    0x1D: BGE;    (rs1 >= rd) : PC = rs2

    0xE: not use

    0xF: not use


    ? I don't know how to write a proper document(?), so I just left it like this. It could look weird, but I hope you can understand it...




    It has a 5-bit-address register; currently, 30 cells are available for general data.

    0x00 is always zero; <- This part, I inspired by RISC-V

    0x01 is a program counter; you can overwrite some addresses here to jump to any point.

    It may use up to 0x03 later, so I recommend using from 0x04.




    It's not done yet... I do not know how to materialize memory communications, so I haven't made it yet...


    Edited 10 times by QnpfvTPz. Last: 23rd January
  • KnZahid300
    24th Nov 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    idk if that looks as brainf***...because of symnbols there