GPMP particle moving

  • Matera_the_Mad
    25th Nov 2023 Member 1 Permalink

    I put a particle of GPMP in the middle of a grid of CLNE, with ctypes EXOT, ELEC, HYGN, and a few NEUT, to adjust the rate of dispersion. It had the effect I'd hoped for, creating nova-like explosive surges. It also did something I had no reason to expect. When there is an explosion, the GPMP particle moves. It jumps, dances, wiggles - then settles down for a while in its new place. I used the Find function to observe it. I also painted it, to make sure it was the same particle, not re-created by some mysterious divine TPT power. I did see it multiply once.


    So - has this been observed before? Why/how is it doing it? Something to do with Newtonian gravity? Bug? Feature? I'm just nuts? (no, I know that!)


  • EnganK
    25th Nov 2023 Member 1 Permalink
    EXOT, irradiated by ELEC, turns into WARP, the peculiarity of which is the chaotic movement of particles close to it. Most likely, it is WARP that causes the behavior you described.
  • Matera_the_Mad
    25th Nov 2023 Member 1 Permalink

    Yup, I just figured that out! I should know better LOL