There are a lot of groups but I could like to make my own group so
Tho can tell me how to create a group?
Then that means one of admins is active, or one day just logged in.
There should be something like groups, but not like groups persey. Perhaps a communities tab? Users can join, notifications for collaborations on saves, something like BSTS. Users can interact, forums, and host events in this feature. If members want to make collaborative saves, they can select members of said Community to help collaborate on a save/saves. When opening up The Powder Toy, they get a notification. This could be beneficial for in game activity etc. Members of these communities can be set as Admins, Moderators, Managers by the creator of said Community.
Like I said users get a notification when an event is being held in the Community, or selected for a save to collaborate on. You can unselect users too! This is where groups failed in my opinion and like you said.
This is just my take.
@jacob1 if because of group creation used to much memory
So why couldn't just do not let new players to create the group?
What's why you could test before lunching it
And by the way the staff understands coding better now
So make a testing website and try to make of the group won't be glitchy