Why Isn't This Setup Fusing OXYG?

  • flameaway
    7th May Member 0 Permalink

    If you watch frame by frame as the CO2 fuses, the temp and pressure in the reaction chamber should be sufficient to immediately fuse the OXYG. 



    Another thing I noticed is that pressure of a particular OXYG particle gets reset to 250.2 for some reason, even though other areas in the chamber are well above that pressure. Under normal conditions every pixel in that chamber registers identical pressure and temp.


    Along a similar vein here is NBLE not fusing at the appropriate temp and pressure as stated on the wiki.


    Edited 5 times by flameaway. Last: 7th May
  • EnganK
    7th May Member 0 Permalink
    Firstly, your save has ambient heat enabled, which can affect the operation of devices in quite unpredictable ways.
    Secondly, the BOYL you use to create pressure does not create pressure indefinitely, instead it stops at +100, which is not enough for the final stages of fusion. Fusion NBLE and CO2 usually create enough pressure for further fusion, but here there are fewer fusion particles than BOYL, causing the pressure they create to return to +100 too quickly for the CO2 to turn into OXYG.
    What I can advise is to either reduce the amount of BOYL in the reaction chamber and provide a stable flow of particles through it so that fusion can support itself due to its own generated pressure, or replace the BOYL with other sources of pressure.
  • flameaway
    7th May Member 0 Permalink
