
  • Desty
    19th May 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    This is ranking, FOR BUNKERS! This ranks the amount of damage a wall or bunker can take in units called K-Ranks



    First, the temp resistance unit, TTP. One TTP is 1 pixel heated by 1 C. Let's say we have a 15x15 cube of TTAN, because it is 15 wide and 15 tall, times the melting point of TTAN, it takes 375300 to destroy this cube of TTAN. To get the amount of K-Ranks you get for the TTP your wall resists, you simply divide by 10000.




    Second, the pressure ranking unit, TPU, to get TPU amount, you take the amount of pressure required to destroy a pixel, times 25. For things like QRTZ that take pressure change, you take the minimum omount of pressure to break it normally times 50. For pressure immune things, just add 255 TPU. To get K-Ranks from TPU, divide by 2.


    Next, WARP resistance. This one was hard to thing of. To get it, take the amount of pixels in the thickest column, and multiply by 2. This is because WARP will take tike to get through. To account for things like CONV and CAUS in a wall, per pixel of CAUS or CONV with a tmp of WARP, you get 350 TPU. Then, divide by 1000.



    This of course, was hastily made, and isn't good, but should pair well with some other stuff. Comment potential improvements.