Removing walls and cloners

  • Redd
    12th Jun 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    I have a creation called the Desolation Beam, and Im wondering how I can make it without walls or cloners

  • EnganK
    12th Jun 2024 Member 0 Permalink
    The answer to your question depends on what functionality you expect from your "Desolation Beam".
    As far as I understand, it is supposed to be a thermonuclear cannon. You can use GLOW to create photons, and BIZR and INVS to convert them into electrons and neutrons, from which you can make hydrogen. BOYL and URAN can be used to heat the hydrogen and provide sufficient pressure. For shooting, you can use the PSTN based sliding shutter. Finally, to contain it all, you can use a combination of HEAC (or even DMND), INSL and TTAN.

    However, given the quality of your save, I doubt you have enough skill to do all this.