These are codes for every character in the writer.
Just send the code into the writer (input signal) and spark the print wire.
I will connect it to a keyboard to show how it works.
0000001 A
0000010 B
0000011 C
0000100 D
0000101 E
0000110 F
0000111 G
0001000 H
0001001 I
0001010 J
0001011 K
0001100 L
0001101 M
0001110 N
0001111 O
0010000 P
0010001 Q
0010010 R
0010011 S
0010100 T
0010101 U
0010110 V
0010111 W
0011000 X
0011001 Y
0011010 Z
0011011 .
0011100 ,
0011101 :
0011110 ;
0011111 !
0100000 ?
0100001 +
0100010 -
0100011 *
0100100 /
0100101 \
0100110 '
0100111 "
0101000 &
0101001 |
0101010 (
0101011 )
0101100 {
0101101 }
0101110 <
0111111 >
0111110 =
0110001 1
0110010 2
0110011 3
0110100 4
0110101 5
0110110 6
0110111 7
0111000 8
0111001 9
0111010 0
0111011 $
0111100 Line Break
0111101 Space
0111110 Wide space/Tab
0111111 % (Not integrated into the writer)
more characters soon or late, or never