Making a star

  • Redd
    14th Jun 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm going to try to make a star. Currently my plan is to have a gravity pump, BOYL, URAN, and PLUT. BOYL and URAN to generate heat and pressure, and PLUT is for production of NEUT which will turn into HYGN which will fuse into stuff and make a star.

  • EnganK
    14th Jun 2024 Member 0 Permalink
    NEUT only turn into HYGN upon contact with ELEC, and there is nothing in your star that produces ELEC.
    Also, PLUT is an extremely unreliable source of neutrons, since it will produce them only once, and in a relatively small amount.
    Finally, the pressure created by the BOYL (or any other pressure source) will push all the star material towards the edges of the save unless you use an outer shell or GPMP/WHOL to hold that material.

    So your plan to create a star simply won't work like that.
  • Redd
    14th Jun 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    I've now borrowed a pump mechanism from another save that creates high pressure that pushes stuff in and using NEUT+ELEC, E-HOLE would make it work better but it's another reason why I posted in feedback about disabling sprks because NBLE triggers the E-HOLE to stop doing its thing and makes the star not work as intended.

  • MachineMan
    14th Jun 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    You could also use high-energy WARP; that EXOT turns into with excessive electron radiation.  Fill a container halfway with EXOT, fill the container with electrons until all the EXOT turns into WARP, then add some neutrons and then FIRE or PLSM.  The neutrons produced from fusion and the electrons produced from the WARP will sustain the fusion until the WARP runs out, which will take a while because high-energy WARP made from EXOT is long-lived.


    Also, there's no way to stop electrons from sparking NBLE during thermonuclear fusion, so making a star in E-HOLE will never work.

    Edited 4 times by MachineMan. Last: 14th Jun 2024