Shrunken down "chips" mod?

  • nreh
    28th August Member 0 Permalink

    The biggest hurdle to creating large complex electronics in this program is the area you have to work with. And I know that can increase the area by recompiling, but I think another cool alternative would be to shrink down certain parts of the circuit into small "chips" with input and output wires. So a huge circuit with only a few input/output pins could take next to no space at all.


    Plus it's conceivable that you could implement simplified simulation within the "chip" like ignore air-pressure or temperature for performance or whatever. Using this method you could create huge stores of memory, or shrink an entire CPU into just its pins. Or heck, shrink the entire computer down into a tiny area and use it for something else.


    Super vague features idea:

    • Select an area and shrink it down to a rectangle region just big enough to have the required input/output pins attached. These rectangular regions are called "chips".
    • Be able to nest ideally infinite amount of these chips.
    • Simplified simulation for only electronics within these chip regions.
    • Maybe have the option to cache input/output (so for example a XOR gate could be simulated with 0s and 1s and be cached rather than having to simulate every time - you'd be trading Memory for simulation performance).



    So my question is


    A) Does something even slightly like this idea exist already? Like a mod someone's working on?




    B) If not, is there any interest in something like this? I think it'd be fun to try implement this myself.

    Edited 2 times by nreh. Last: 28th August
  • LBPHacker
    28th August Developer 1 Permalink
    I can't speak for others' interests, but this would definitely stray very far from the goals of TPT. You might be interested in Logisim though.
  • nreh
    28th August Member 0 Permalink

    @LBPHacker (View Post)

    Huh that's a cool piece of software, I'll check it out.


    I agree with your first point though, definetally would make TPT closer to some circuit or logic gate sim or something. I guess it'd be more of a electronics flavored github fork rather than a mod.

  • Jerehmia
    28th August Member 1 Permalink

    Perhaps besides the point but you can already create logic "chips" that aren't much larger than a rectangle of inputs x outputs size (constructing or and xor gates is a bit costly), here is two of them in action:

    Here is a tutorial on how to create them:

    There is a subframed version too (4 "chips" cooperating):