
  • TableYay2
    26th Sep 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    New idea: repel, or as REPL (Edit: i realised RPEL exists, so i would change the name to repel powder; RPPW)

    It is a powder and it pushes itself(not others!) away from any other powder (Edit2: including the same type), liquid, soild, (Edit3: radiation except PHOT), or gas that is within 1 pixels away from it by increasing its vx and vy.


    the repullsion from the particles around it add up, so a REPL particle enclosed in a 3 by 3 box will stay motionless. 

    (Edit4: It can be created by heating ANAR more than 5000 C and subjecting it to <-20 pressure, and when RPPW is above 5000 C and over 20 pressure, it turns into ANAR.)

    Edited 3 times by TableYay2. Last: 1st Oct 2024
  • ArolaunTech
    29th Sep 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    What's the use for this?

  • TableYay2
    1st Oct 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    @ArolaunTech (View Post)

     ermm...... i edited again, but the purpose of this is just that its for visual effects. When it stabilises into a lattice, something can enter the lattice and move through it, which will create disturbances that travel throughout the lattice. Another use of this is to be a pseudo-liquid. It's not a liquid as it's not space-filling, but it actually behaves more like a real-life liquid than a TPT one, i.e. it works in a siphon and if an glowing effect is applied to it, it looks like a liquid(?)