simulation speed buttons

  • Bens-things5000
    15th October Member 0 Permalink

    i would like some bottons or a slide to change the simulations speed easlily.

    it could be good for things that need time to do things or messing around.

  • EnganK
    15th October Member 0 Permalink
    You can use the tpt.setfpscap(2) command to force the simulation to run faster than 60 FPS. Another problem is that most often the limiting factor is not the fps limit, but the speed of the simulation itself (all the calculations that the computer needs to perform to simulate one frame), and this speed is hardly possible to significantly increase by reducing the quality of the simulation or anything else.
  • Sylvi
    15th October Moderator 0 Permalink
    Also one thing to note is that we're technically limited. The game is not multi-threaded so at some point it will reach a maximum in resource allocation and not go any faster.