TSNS detecting any element

  • resic
    19th November Member 0 Permalink

    When building one of my saves I saw that the TSNS is detecting any element that's above the set temperature of the TSNS itself, this includes insl, wifi, the adjacent conductor and other elements you don't really want to check the temperature of. This is true for inverted mode too. It makes the save more complex to make and harder to change the settings of the TSNS. It would be cool if there were some exceptions for TSNS which it would just ignore. I'm sure this would help other people too and won't break many saves (if there even will be any).

  • Jerehmia
    20th November Member 0 Permalink

    Aren't you just struggling with a TSNS in inverted mode because you misunderstand how it works (like I did)? A TSNS with tmp set to 2 will fire when any particle in its detection area is below the set temperature, and that's not what you want most of the time. What you usually want from an inverted sensor is that it fires as long as none of the particles in its detection area is above the set temperature. If you want the latter you'll have to use the TSNS in normal mode and put a NOT gate behind it to invert its signal.

    Edited once by Jerehmia. Last: 20th November
  • resic
    20th November Member 0 Permalink

    @Jerehmia (View Post)

     Yeah, but now the problem is that the TSNS detects the wifi with higher temperature than the TSNS. Also, It's just annoying that you have to set everything including insl, wifi, and anything else, around the sensor under or over the temperature set on the TSNS.