Good Bye

  • HapyMetal
    16th February Member 2 Permalink
    Hi lads.
    This will be my last post here.
    You've noticed that I haven't published many saves lately. One reason is that i actually have limited time, but the main reason is, that because of the latest TPT updates, about 40% of my saves are broken.
    In some cases i can't even figure out what the problem could be and i'm so tired of repairing my stuff over and over again.

    So i stop here and say Good Bye.
    It was a nice time.. and keep creating
  • jacob1
    18th February Developer 1 Permalink
    That really surprises me if so many of your saves are broken. Can you list out some of the broken ones? I'd like to have a look to make sure we didn't cause any bugs on accident.

    There have been some breaking changes recently. Certain PHOT saves could be broken, and the last update also fixed some RNG bugs with PHOT spawning as well. I could have a look and tell if it's a bug or intentional change.
  • z4dg9ssw135
    18th February Member 0 Permalink

    @HapyMetal (View Post)

    sad to see such a good user leaving.

    thanks for creating cool saves giving me inspiration in my account-less times.

    good luck in stuff youll do irl mate

  • HapyMetal
    23rd February Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)

    - One problem is that it looks like something changed how pressure and airflow works. For example: in both of my thermite factories i use VENT to seperate the thermite from the remaining BREL. This doesnt work anymore, and i have BREL mixed in the thermite.
    Also, there is a section in the 'Element Maze' where some CO2 flows down a ramp and freezes on contact wit LN2 to form a path for some mercury. The CO2 flows far too slow now, so that only in 50% of the cases it forms the path.

    - 'Serious Disasters Columbia': The explosion of the Shuttle didn't trigger anymore. Couldn't figure out why, so i had to rearrange it.

    - 'Serious Disasters Kings Cross': The Fire didnt climb up the escalator anymore, had to use VENT to fix this.

    - 'I love Science' The Pipes of the chemicals where surrounded with QRTZ one of them has acid inside. The QRTZ now immediately shattered at simulation start. Fixed the with different sourrounding material.

    - 'Industrial area' Increased heat transfer to the Oil-vaporizer, instead of just turn into GAS the oil burns now.

    - 'Firework Factory' Gunpowder now explodes inside the production tubes.

    - 'Weather creator' Lighning is suddenly invisible

    - 'Young Experiment' PHOT take different path. *fixed with void*

    - 'Steam Engine' Water now sometimes get stuck behind the piston. Kinda fixed this with void but it doesnt run smooth anymore

    all this saves worked fine before the last updates. :-(
  • savask
    23rd February Developer 0 Permalink

    @HapyMetal (View Post)

     I changed the way ambient heat works, that must be the main reason for most of your issues. The way air temperature worked in TPT before that was horrendous - for example, you can check that in version 98 cold air actually goes up, although it's supposed to go down. There were no other major changes to the air simulation besides a few bugfixes which shouldn't affect most saves.


    There were some changes to photon refraction in one of the recent versions, see this commit. The commit message explains the reason for the change and what types of saves are likely to break, so you could check if your save falls into that category.


    As for lightning being invisible, now lightning inherits deco color of the tesla coil (see this pull request in TPT repository). So lightning isn't "invisible" it's black because tesla coils are painted black in your save :-) I personally don't like this change, so maybe we could add an exception for black tesla coils, so that lightning appears unaffected.

  • HapyMetal
    2nd March Member 0 Permalink
    @savask (View Post)
    That would explain some of the problems but not all of them.
    For example: Why did the QRTZ shatter in the 'I love science' save, or why does my firework factory constantly explodes.
    Bot have nothing to do with airflow or ambient heat.

    Another problem i noticed is with Heat-Switch. It still blocks contact heat but it now lets though the ambient heat which makes it useless when ambient heat is on.

    Fixed Saves:
    - Serious Disasters Columbia
    - Serious Disasters Kings Cross
    - Young experiment
    - Demon core
    - Thermonuclear fusion powerplant (but still WIP)
    - I love science

    Fixes WIP
    - Element Maze (Works about 50% again)
    - Bomb Tester (heat measurement broken)
    - Watt Steam Engine (Water sometimes getting stuck behind the piston)
    - Spacetown2
    - Industrial area (Oil-vaporizer ignites the oil instead of vaporizing it)

    beyond repair
    - Chemical Factory (Thermite production broken because of different airflow)
    - Thermite factory (same reason)
    - Firework Factory (cant even figure out why the production line keeps exploding)
  • savask
    2nd March Developer 0 Permalink

    What exactly should one do to break QRTZ in the "I love science" save? I only see a small QRTZ stopper at the acid pipe end, and it's intact. I tried the previous version of the save as well. There were no recent changes to QRTZ, so the only explanation I have is increased pressure due to some other reasons.


    I also ran the fireworks factory, and it also works fine. Sometimes small reactor "columns" have fires, but these are quickly resolved and, more importantly, they also happen in previous TPT versions like 95.


    The heat swich also works as it did before, so I would like more details what exactly is broken. If I fill a 4x4 cell with HSWC, it stopps ambient heat completely. A thin 1px line of HSWC doesn't stop air heat, but it never did, even in the older versions.


    It's hard to troubleshoot complex saves like yours, so if something broke in the new version, it's best to make a small isolated save which shows the problem. Like, "this save immediately explodes in version 99, but doesn't in version 98". Then we will be able to do something about the issue.


    Also as a general advice, it's best to have options like Newtonian gravity and ambient heat off, unless you need those for the save to work. That way the save will be more robust to future changes. For instance, I'm pretty sure your fireworks factory doesn't need those options.

    Edited once by savask. Last: 2nd March
  • Jerehmia
    2nd March Member 0 Permalink
    Because ambient heat works like pressure in 4x4 blocks you have to make sure you cover the entire 4x4 block with either HSWC or INSL to keep the ambient heat from escaping. Even then ambient heat escapes sometimes so a 5 particle thick layer might be necessary.
    You can easily see the heat escaping if you use Cracker1000's mod, switch on "Relative heat" in the Cr-Menu and use Heat Display (6). That's how I detected and fixed the heat leaks in id:3215137
    Edit: I just noticed this is a crosspost with @savask sorry.
    Edited 4 times by Jerehmia. Last: 2nd March
  • HapyMetal
    2nd March Member 0 Permalink
    @savask (View Post)

    I reuploaded an older version of 'i love science' with the QRTZ-Pipe

    HSWC - I have done some experimenting and it looks like that when there is a 3px wide HSWC the ambient heat is sometimes blocked at the 2nd px of the HSWC and sometimes it increases ambient heat 1px beyond HSWC, heating up objects.

    No, newtonian gravity and ambient heat don't have to be switched on to make my saves work but if you look at my saves you will notice that the majority has both on, because for me it was always a part of the challenge: Build something with as few indestrucible mateials as possible and with ambient heat on and to say switch that off is removing this challange
    For example: It's easy to build a working fusion reactor, but it isn't anymore to build one with ambient heat on, that doesnt set the whole screen on fire. That's just how i build my saves.

    edit: Looks like that the older version of 'I love science' now works fine again.
    Edited once by HapyMetal. Last: 2nd March