all my mods disappeared :L

  • Ddddd
    22nd February Member 0 Permalink

    all my mods, excluding tptmp and ssccssccAPI.lua, have been wiped from the list, they are still registered as active, but for some reason arent being displayed in the mod menu. ;-;

  • jacob1
    22nd February Developer 0 Permalink
    Can you clarify? They are "registered as active", but aren't being displayed, so how do you know they're active?

    Is there still a checkmark next to them in the local tab list? Are you able to just re-enable them?
  • Ddddd
    22nd February Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    The ones I had active before they stopped being displayed are still active in-game; I just can't interact with the mods directly anymore. I can't enable or disable anything.

  • jacob1
    22nd February Developer 0 Permalink
    ok so, are you saying that your custom elements are still active, but script manager is having problems showing you them? If possible, can you upload a screenshot somewhere? (like imgur, or join the discord and post it there)

    If your custom elements are still there, it does sound like script manager is working fine. If you have a lot of scripts you have to scroll.
  • stillthere
    22nd February Member 0 Permalink

    happened to me (hey i hate it when someone says still there): so it happened when i FORCED DELETED  one of my lua mods and there it happened

  • YourLocalCosmosFan
    22nd February Member 0 Permalink

    yeah happened to me too

  • jacob1
    23rd February Developer 0 Permalink
    @stillthere (View Post)
    Force Delete using the button in-game, or in windows explorer?

    Tried both and it didn't cause any trouble. It prints a warning about failing to load one of the scripts, but then it moves on and loads the rest of the scripts anyway.
  • GigaCars
    24th February Member 0 Permalink

    happening to me too, every mod is not in the lua menu(local) but i still got the elements, and if i open the directory, it shows the mods there strangely enough


    if you want a picture, i'll link a steam artwork showing this here, unless that would break a rule

  • jacob1
    25th February Developer 0 Permalink
    Since everyone seems to be getting this bug, I have to wonder, when did it start? We just released 99.3, was it then? Or is this older.

    Steam screenshots are a funny way to share it but I think it would help, yes. You could also upload it on Discord.
  • GigaCars
    25th February Member 0 Permalink


    You could also upload it on Discord.

     that's where i can't, i don't have discord lol


    i'll upload a pic and edit this comment with it soon



    don't ask why you see Windows 7 elements

    Edited once by GigaCars. Last: 25th February