• PowerShroomsAttack
    7th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    For some strange reason this guy gave me credit. Maybe I inspired him??? IDK. Here's his save - LoadSaveBlock(104690);
  • smjjames
    7th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Possibly, I did see a jacobs ladder save where someone had seen mine and decided to give it a try. The person didn't directly credit me, but made it clear that they wanted to try out the idea. Can't blame the person for having the same title save as mine, but its not stealing and it was completely different.
  • sparkjet
    7th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    i wish people give me credit for no reason... they just steal stuff and turn it into a peice of sh!t
  • hugoRawr
    7th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    You're famous, and I hate you for that, I've called you a fat-cat corporation on multiple occasions...

    I think he's like me but instead of hate its love