I want 4 flamethrowers 1 pointing in every direction (up, down, left, right), 4 lasers same configuration, a deut nuke, plut nuke, uran dirty bomb, sing bomb, antimatter bomb, 4 warp guns, 4 neut guns, 4 acid sprayers, 4 lava sprayers, 4 plasma guns, C-4 charge, C-5 charge (with igniter), thermite charge, iron bomb (not made from iron), multi-stage bomb, ICBM, MIRV, SLBM, a sun, nitro tank, LO2 tank, LN2 tank, time bomb version of iron bomb, C-4 and C-5, uran dirty bomb, and thermite, all the guns in the up, down, left, right configuration, and an M1A2 Abrams tank, B-52 bomber, Triton class nuke sub, and a underground nuke silo.
Edit-also poison gas (you discide what it's made of, must damage something, must kill stickman), and bio weapons (GoL weapons)