I am here to calculate you Forum experience. You earn points for your contributions to the Forum. Here is how to score yourself. 5 points for every hundred posts until 500 posts. 5 points for every two hundred posts from 500-1500. 5 points for every five hundred posts after 1500 posts. 15 points for a mod. 5 points for compiling it yourself. 1 point for three threads you've posted. 8 points for having all your saves with ratings above 1. 50 points for being a mod. 50 points for being a developer. 9000 points for being an admin. Here is the ranking sheet. 0-5 points = Did you join yesterday? 5-15 points = Newbie. 15-20 points = Respected 20-40 points = Regular 40 - 110 points = Awesome, Regular, Poster. 110 - 9000 = Moderator/Developer Regular. Over 9000 = Your Simon Score Yourself! Post them and I'll add them here.