I like making very useful electronics and gadgets, I also have a ton of ideas too. I created PTED to welcome users who would like to share ideas and projects. Since there is no instant chat feature on Powder Toy, You can leave your messages and comments about PTED here.
The purpose of Powder Toy Electronics Division is to provide The Powder Toy Community with more complex creations, to unite users with similar talents, and invent things never seen before in TPT.
You never know, but maybe we can work on projects together and become Notable Users and or even a Notable Group. If you want to join, then leave a description of why you want to join, and the name of an invention that you made, and I'll add you to the list of members, but anyway I welcome you to the Powder Toy Electronics Division. The Logo and Symbol was created by me, Omega Supreme so please don't copy.
If you want an Electronic Part, Device, Logo and or Icon (Animated & Non-Animated) made, then leave a well worded description and I'll see what I can do. I will also update this forum when ever I can. I welcome you to PTED!
A Organization like this already exists and we ask you to join us. If you insist on creating your own then so be it. But we will not consider merging and show no mercy.