Hello! I have successfully created my own IRC server and I would like to share :3 The server is at: irc.merbosmagic.co.cc ... Please note that directly connecting through a web browser will prompt you for a password. This is not what you want. What you want to do is get in an IRC client (Look in the wiki, it shows setup help) and type: /server irc.merbosmagic.co.cc ... If this does not work, you may need to try again sometime else, for certain reasons: Server is offline. You are not in an IRC client. You tried to click the link. You did /connect instead of server. ... EDIT: 24/7! GIGGITY GIGGITY!
@gamerboy8864 I don't want a server. What's the damn point in me being connected to three servers at once? I just want a channel. EDIT: On the same server as #powder.