My powder toy won't update on its own. When I click the update it starts to update then when it gets to 99% it closes and when i try to open it back up it says finilizing (typo) update and then closes again. It only happens once but it gets annoying having to delete the old one and download the new one of the website.
P.S. this used to happen when i tried updating the beta when it was the normal powder toy updating. If that makes sense.
Try downloading directly from the powdertoy website. If you want stamps from previous version, copy the stamps folder from your previous version and paste them into your new version. That should work, since it did for me.
My save DON'T VOTE experimentation! keeps getting privatly published and comes off the front of the front page( and it's only been on there for 2 days) and I havn't been doing anything to it and recently It says the save has been disabled. PLEASE HELP!!!