Right, PTEC is up and running again :D I need the following people (applications close 23:59:59 forum time today): 2x Executives (work with me as heads- I need 1 australian, one american) 2x Chief work ovelookers (same as above) 2x Quality Inspectors (same as above) 2x Chief electricians (same as above) Workers Trainee workers (if you don't quite build stuff but want to learn) Of the top 4 positions, you may only apply for one. New ranks and a PTEC account may be added shortly.
@cctvdude99 Powder Toy Engineering Club We build stuff :D Because I'm in the UK, its preferable americans/australians take up them posts for around-the-clock work....but I will extend each posistion to 3 members, I have a lot of coursework so I may not be on very often.