@cctvdude99 Tried, it's way to complicated and I can't do it, are there any simple methods for compression. I can make the life change depending on pressure I just don't know how to make it compress if it has a certain amount of life
i think something like an element that increases density via pressure would make an excellent suggestion, but honestly, right now i can't think of anything like that, but the nearest i can think of is maybe goo cloned in a certain way perhaps?
if you are looking for something code wise, i'm not the person to talk too, i know nothing.
Use the code for an element that reacts with something based on pressure, like in Quartz's code file which has a small code piece used for turning it into powder quartz when pressure changes.
@PizzaPlatypus Meh I had a look and I am new to coding so have no idea. Why not try just copying out the whole DEUT code? And then removing the parts you understand if you don't need them.
@cctvdude99 I've already explained pressure and heat are very different concepts, if you haven't coded please stop trying to help me as you obviously don't know what it does