- Poor stickmen control This might get fixed someday. I can only presume that making a working movable character is harder than it sounds.
- Devs refuse to add if they feel it is remotely similar to an existing element or can be replicated by an extremely elaborate reaction If you knew how difficult it was to make elements that don't break things, and don't slow the game down on the larger scale of things, you'd see why this isn't really doable. Powder Game gas a bunch of elements that aren't really fun to play with, but have immediate entertainment value. Like birds. o___o
- Less constant updates We spend every day working on it, give us a break D: D: D:
- Tends to be glitchy ...Because we give updates ahead of schedule to keep people from guessing, when the game isn't 100% bug tested yet. :<<br /> - Choppy gameplay ...Explain?
- Large size = low FPS on slower computers The size has less to do with it, more the maximum particle count in the game which is a fixed value, and all the new code for the elements that exist that never used to.
- Unclear element instructions We have a wiki for a reason o_O It'd be silly to code a whole help section into the game, but it might be there someday.
Powder Game: + Advanced elements like Virus We already have a virus element in TPT, that isn't in official yet. Check out X element in AntB's mod. I'm not sure what state his mod is in atm.
+ Frequent updates :< Again sorry for not having a team of code workhorses
+ Wind Cracker coded this in not that long ago
+ Many things added for fun rather than purpose ...Just go play with your Ball element. XD
But yes. :D Ours was designed by an awesome dude who designed graphics cards for a living. It must be awesome!
o_O Well the whole game's getting revised with every update. You don't make stuff expecting it to work perfectly later. Besides that, I've yet to have an issue with fire/smoke that hasn't been easy to fix.
Also, it's possible to revert X. :D It seems you don't know how.
@Catelite I'd be willing to rewrite all help texts. But there could be packaging, as.. "Powder Toy Main package. Includes the game", "Powder Toy Help and Manuals package. Includes Help and Manuals for all elements." Powder Toy Dev package. Includes an updating to-do list and source code for the game, plus Git." etc.