Recently we have noticed report system abuse. To clarify to everyone: -Do not report your opinion of a creation being ***t and c***. -Do not threaten staff. Also please do not report the save below:
We have given noticed in the comments and here about the approval of this creation. ANYONE reporting this for any reason shall be banned. We have given noticed and I banned 5 users for reporting it. Some of us do not fear the retaliation of those banned. We warned you. Any abuse of the report system will NOT be tolerated and results in a ban without warning. Thank you for reading and understanding this PSA.
@lockheedmartin There is a guy called dukenukem23 who used to spam my stuff saying "donkey ****" it is really annoying and he is kinda arrogant saying it was a pschological test and he said he was worthy of mensa and i hate it when he comments because he is like looking down on me as if i am dumb and he is the king of the world. i would like justice to be done as he NEVER got banned
Not saying no but, is there any proof? For all we know this is just some guy you are jealous of and want banned. I just want to be sure before swinging my hammer.
@Neospector(View Post) Yes he does, he wrote "donkey *****" in the tags of one of my creations. I know it because I saw that in other comments and was the same guy.