powder toy eletrical creation org (pteco)

  • aaronhance007
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    we are allways looking for new people any one can join no matter what

    looking for managers

    experienced members:
    aaronhance007:leader (L5)
    girr:dept owner and advanced logo maker
    btrab1:part/electric maker manger (L4)
    me4502 :mod maker manager/Australian manager
    pwrocks5648: nanobot leader (NB)

    semi-experienced members:
    azza2:car and part maker
    snowfire777:pix art, and elctronic maker/improver
    vanquish:head of nanobot creation (NB)
    devino rank: nanobot ideas department (NB)

    other members:
    the-pickle:engin maker (L0)
    petrol:building maker (L0)

    if you would like to become a semi-experienced member or an experienced member please contact me in a disscussion and link 3 to 5 oices of your best work

    (please state what job u would like)
    car,plane,helecopter,etc maker
    building maker
    editer(help other people whith there creations)(only if not on team prodgetct)
    hole city maker (must be good at it alows you to maker citys/bunkers whith over peoples parts )
    part maker (makes random things for citys for example sine maker,gaget maker )
    logo maker (makes logos for people in the group and group logo)
    nanobot maker
    or any other job you can think off

    vote up if you like some of the groups best saves (if you would like your save here just start conversation and link creation):

    read: when makeing a creation whith group resources always give credit and add a tag (ggb)and(your job) and logo(if space)
    the new logo because of the name change

    starter challenge

    level 1 challange

    level 2 challenge

    level 3 challenge

    level 4 challenge

    level 5 challenge make a car with working engine

    level 6 challenge make a plane with working engine

    level 7 challenge make a spark maze (make sure you use aray metal pscn nscn wifi water and switch )

    level 8 challenge make a gun

    level 9 challenge make a city

    level 10 challenge make a clock count down or a random number save as L10c and your name

    new premotion system L1,L2, L3, L4, L5,L6,L7.L8,L9,L10 all the way to level 25 some levels are not made yet
    send me your one in conversation


    if any one wants a anouncement about the group put here just ask
    mod download at www.bbgmod.webs.com

    nanobot construction area
    will gain ranks for planning making and editing nano bot witch may help powder toy or just be plain fun
    head of ideas
    head of planning
    head of desining

    you will have a nb next to your name if you are in the nanobot part

    site news:
    the site is all most compleate any idears on what i should add to the site feal free to ask
    if any one wants a new catagory in the forum just ask

    help for new people:
    to put a save in a post put a wavey line and then the creation number ~?????????
    if you would like help please contact one of our experienced members or a semi-experienced member

    new project tutorials: make a useage tutorial for elements i will make a new catergory in forum on our site feal free to post your tutorials best one will reseave an award and rank(tutorial manager) and all managers become mods on our site

    if you would like to join just post
  • lukehowells
    30th Mar 2011 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • PizzaPlatypus
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    calling someine a noob is harsh, especially since you are a n00b yourself.
  • duartel
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I wanna join :D
    I'm kinda n00b tho :s
    I wanna be apprentice.
    PS:on starter challenge can we use wall?
  • Uberness
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    You're acting like petrol, please stop making random clubs. D:
  • duartel
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Here's my try at starter challenge.
    Try messin' with buttons.
  • aaronhance007
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    i was just mucking around because we are friends and we know each other no one els will be a noob except for luke howells
  • Racer-Delux
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Another club?......


    Pretty soon PT will closely resemble the US government....
  • azza2
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    i would like to join and become a car maker please

    four of my best creations:

    when i posted this creation, i named it wrong by accident. it uses thermite to generate plasma, not the other way around

    still in progress. can be shrunk down and used in my cars. anyone can use it in their petrol powered creations

    Edited: @aaronhance007
    how do you become a member?
  • cctvdude99
    30th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    Another club?......


    Pretty soon PT will closely resemble the US government....

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