semi-experienced members: azza2:car and part maker snowfire777:pix art, and elctronic maker/improver vanquish:head of nanobot creation (NB) devino rank: nanobot ideas department (NB)
other members: the-pickle:engin maker (L0) petrol:building maker (L0) lukehowells:noob(lol) duartel:na
if you would like to become a semi-experienced member or an experienced member please contact me in a disscussion and link 3 to 5 oices of your best work
(please state what job u would like) car,plane,helecopter,etc maker building maker editer(help other people whith there creations)(only if not on team prodgetct) hole city maker (must be good at it alows you to maker citys/bunkers whith over peoples parts ) part maker (makes random things for citys for example sine maker,gaget maker ) logo maker (makes logos for people in the group and group logo) nanobot maker or any other job you can think off
vote up if you like some of the groups best saves (if you would like your save here just start conversation and link creation):
read: when makeing a creation whith group resources always give credit and add a tag (ggb)and(your job) and logo(if space) the new logo because of the name change
if any one wants a anouncement about the group put here just ask anousements: mod download at
nanobot construction area will gain ranks for planning making and editing nano bot witch may help powder toy or just be plain fun creating planning desining ideas head of ideas head of planning head of desining
you will have a nb next to your name if you are in the nanobot part
site news: the site is all most compleate any idears on what i should add to the site feal free to ask NEW GAMES if any one wants a new catagory in the forum just ask
help for new people: to put a save in a post put a wavey line and then the creation number ~????????? if you would like help please contact one of our experienced members or a semi-experienced member
projects: new project tutorials: make a useage tutorial for elements i will make a new catergory in forum on our site feal free to post your tutorials best one will reseave an award and rank(tutorial manager) and all managers become mods on our site