My friends this is Norsefire , i want to bring peace and stability back to the forums. The only way for this to happen is to stop all of this excessive spamming. It wasnt the forums that brought us here. It wasnt Simon, Catelite, or Lockheed. It was definatly not for the idiotic spamming that is happening now. WE came for the GAME. If you believe me than fight peacefully side by side with me to stop the spam. if you agree i want you to pledge MAKE POWDER NOT SPAM!!!!
I am RogueGeneral and i pledge to MAKE POWDER NOT SPAM! And PT Prevails
Say Hail Ceasar if you want to join. Buisinesses: ENE (Nanobots) Darkfire tec
Our Symbol you can use if your an empirial member:
It doesn't take an empire to get rid of some spammers, just a extremely pissed off moderator who goes on a banning spree towards people wo have never decently contributed.