The City Builders Club!

  • Red-Baron
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Hello fellow Powder Toy users! Welcome to the City Builders Club! This is a club where you can all post some great buildings that you have made, and I will mash them together into a city, giving credit to all who have contributed. If you are interested, just post some of your buildings and we can make great cities together for Powder Toy! Also, you must type up a summary of the rules and post it. OH, one more thing. There is a competition for best logo.That logo will be our club logo! Make sure it is small enough to fit in top of a building, if you want it to, and that it doesn't take up too much space. Thank you. Rules are below. I hope you enjoy the club!


    1. You must make a building of your choice and post it here.
    2. Tell me what setting it should be in and I will put it in with that setting.
    3. If you do not feel comfortable posting a building here, you must post it ON the Power Toy and I will tell you when I have collected. (Just tell me when it's ready.)
    4. No voting down. Vote up or don't vote at all.
    5. Let's help each other to get to 1st page!
    6. I will choose IRC's and other roles for people if you want to be in that role.
    7. Please make a summary of the rules to join.
    8. Enjoy!

    Please remember the competition of the logo for the CB's

    @Red-Baron (Founder)
    @Guardian(Vice-Captain) (Building Constructer)
    @Anmol444 (Building Designer)
    @Powdaman17 (Building designer)
    @macquarry( Electronic manager)

  • shroom207
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I am just gonna sit here and wait for flamers btw another club already does this.
  • Red-Baron
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @shroom207 THAT club uses everyones skills to make ONE building altogether. THIS group lets people make their OWN buildings, not just part of one. And why don'y you join? I can give you a role if you want.
  • shroom207
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Red-Baron (View Post)
    There both the same thing in a way still the companies both build buildings sooner or late i assure you there is gonna be a rule for no more groups.There are way 2 many right know dont you think if this was a good idea someone would of already commented other than me and you.
  • Red-Baron
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Yeah. Do YOU want to join?
  • shroom207
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Red-Baron (View Post)
    Um no lol you should of guessed that.
  • Red-Baron
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    ok. I could have given you a role. anyway, that's ok!
  • Sam-12
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Yes there is another club like this, but that club hasn't done anything in weeks so I think it's safe to say that club is over with.

    EDIT: Spoke too soon. PTCO has movement.
  • Red-Baron
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    I hope so!
  • shroom207
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Sam-12 (View Post)
    Lol yeah someone prob saw your comment then commented on ptco lolz XD
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