I've just npticed something. All of my public saves suddenly lost a vote today, every one of them, not just the bad ones (and I admit, I have a few bad ones)
I'd like to know who did that, as that didn't leave a comment on any of them, and I want to see why they downvoted them.
@Supercharazard(View Post) They must be jealous of one or more of your creations. That could go for snowfire777 also. Probably everyone that it happens to too.
Indeed. When I'm jealous of a creation i vote up, because that means I like it. I almost never vote down though. the only reason i would vote down is if the creation is against the rules, rude or inappropriate.
I would report things, but i can guarantee my self that by the time i have seen it, it would have already been reported several times. (I will report it if someone stole one of my creations though. If I came to the situation where a save from someone else's save was stolen and it had no down votes, then i would report it) But I don't have biased opinions, so I may like something, but I don't dislike anything.