DarkFireTech is a Powder Toy company that specialises in making things work. However it can take us a short time before we acknowledge your requests. If you would like to order something, please post on this thread. No, we cannot make TPT mods.
JH-Darkfire -Company director and systems specialist, trying to make things comply with physics
eXploder-maker -Art and detailing specialist, gun concepts and designs
MrDejaVu -"The Other Guy", concepts and nuclear weapon design
Petrol -Organiser and city designer
Cctvdude99 -Engines
Anmol444 -Lasers
Randalserrano -Electronics
If you would like a position in this company, PM me with what position you would like and your username and I will probably add you to this list. No spamming please.
@snowfire777 It's a company/business = A business (also known as enterprise or firm) is an organization designed to provide goods, services, or both to consumers.
This company is providing goods to people, read the whole thread.