This must be your so called spam correct?No its not spam ill explain for one i put really big letters because my nuke is a big lag bomb people like catelite. Or someone else on slow computers would play that nuke then have 2 restart there computer.Try it out for yourself it lags majorly know let me explain the creations i put in you might think this is spam also.No i was entering some of my creations into the bos because i have never tried 2 win.Anyways i wanted them 2 get more votes you know that weekly thing bos does?The spotlight thing i have never tried 2 win it those creations deserve the front page there pretty awesome :3.Know if you think me making a comment on that thread is a necropost think again :3.Know as it is a club what if every single time the thread gets left alone for a long time what are you gonna do?Make a new thread for it every single time so its not a necropost?I think you peeps get what i mean :3.I just wanna put this in here217644View Save 217644223032View Save 223032Warning if you have a slow computer dont go 2 the nuke save.
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