
  • TheTempest
    15th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Welcome To T.P.T.B.! Also known as The Powder Toy's Best. Anyone can be a member, just ask!


    You can be a member of other groups as well, this is simply a group designed to challenge you. A new challenge is set every week, and a winner picked. These Challenges will vary greatly, and some will be "out of my league" for some members, but that should only motivate you to learn more.

    Website Is Under Construction

    until the PTCA website is up and running. Then we will have a Forum on the PTCA site.)

    Current Members and Positions:

    @TheTempestLeader, Founder, and Administrator
    @UBERNESSCo-Founder,Website Owner, and Administrator
    @shroom207Board Member and Creator
    @pilojoMember and Creator
    @pegosh2Member and Creator
    @PizzaPlatypusMember and Creator
    @petrol Member and Creator
    @RemotemanMember and Creator
    @tycoonman500Member and Creator
    @Raw Member and Creator
    @cctvdude99Member and Creator
    @DapianokidMember and Creator
    @TheRazorsEdgeMember and Creator
    @tommMember and Creator

    To join, just ask:D
    You can request certain positions, but if that one is taken or you don't request one you will be given the highest position currently available.

    Current Challenge: Create a working model of a natural occurrence. I.E. Volcanoes floods hurricanes, that kind of thing. NO PREVIOUS SAVES.

    Logo Competition is started!!! Just make a nice looking logo for TPTB!!! winner will be announced at the end of the month, unless decided earlier.

    This is not a new group, I am requesting to lock the PA thread, this is its replacement. So don't complain about how we need no more groups.

  • shroom207
    15th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    What positions are available? Btw You should take @snowfire777 off the list he got banned sadly.
  • TheTempest
    15th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Oh, that is unfortunate. And what position would you like?
  • shroom207
    15th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @TheTempest (View Post)
    What ones are available?
  • TheTempest
    15th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Board member, (requires a creation with at least 15 votes), Organizer(first person to create an IRC for this group, and Head organizer(first to make our group a wiki.
  • shroom207
    15th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @TheTempest (View Post)
    Board member This has more than 15 votes clearly lol XD
  • TheTempest
    15th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    EDIT: had some table trouble lol
Locked by ief015: Groups are spam.