there is something strange about the ad on top when i went to the sonic the hedgehog page awhile ago. the ad was about sonic the hedge hog
here are somore
PAINTBALL------------------------------guns computer usage%---------------------groupon (some up to 90% off) stickman GAME co.------------------online game sonic the hedgehog-------------------sonic the hedgehog Me4502's Mod--------------------------splunk PTCO(engineering)-------------------machanical engineer
Key words buddy- they target key words
guns-------------------guns 90%-------------------groupon game-------------------game sonic-------------------sonic data---------------------splunk data engineer---------------engineer
This is a joke right? Please tell me you atleast have some idea how google adwords work... that's like not knowing how to use a city bus or a subway system 0.o
@Cr15py(View Post) TBH I never went on a bus by my self until the start of this year(and it was pretty scary). I kept a paper in my pocket telling me everything I needed to do to use a bus.