Huh! Finally i returned to home and to my computer (i used my smartphone before) And now i was able to realize my long-standing idea.
Many people with wide-screen monitors (and not only them) think that Powder Toy window uses screen space not rational. As for me, current way to select element is not handy. So, i suggest new version of way to select them:
You can see everything on image. So, what do you think?
C'mon It isn't TOO difficult to code. At least for such coders as Simon)) But idea good, isn't it?
Stop saying things like, similar, or even remotely close to "Too difficult to code", "This will be easy to do" and "I think this will be easy to program." When you in fact do not have a clue about how it works. I am not saying this directed towards you but to everyone that says it without having the slightest idea of what they are talking about.