Large Screen

  • EqualsThree
    22nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    okay, i wanted to check out the beta. i noticed a few change.

    i tried the "Larger Screen" thing but not the fullscreen.

    it completely filled my screen. i cant even see the settings or how to revert to normal size.

    please help. -.-

    what's Newtonian gravity anyways?

    EDIT: nevermind. just deleted all the PT files and redowloanaded them.
  • boxmein
    22nd May 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Newtonian Gravity is practically that all matter pulls other matter with gravitational force.
    The Larger Screen thing makes scale:2. This isn't good if you don't have over 1024x768.
    Fullscreen is even somewhat good. You can revert to normal by running command-line options like that:
    1) Open CMD(run -> cmd)
    2) Drag the Powder Toy EXE into the command prompt. This makes the path appear.
    3) To the end add scale:1 <-- This is a commandline option. Also usable via shortcuts.<br />

    4) Press Enter.
  • Powdaman17
    22nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    There is also a new element SOAP and WHOL is changed to VENT and BHOL VACU which is weird because why would they have two vacuum elements

    EDIT: they still have WHOL and BHOL in beta and DMND is now in solids